Fruitloops, but for adults, the white edition. Or well, orange! Partly made with a longer skin maceration, partly raised on amphora under a yeast blanket. It lives up to its name with a nose full of stone and tropical fruit, as well as floral and herbaceous notes. In the mouth a waxy texture, nice minerality and a dry, firm freshness.
- Country / region: Austria / Wein aus Österreich (Burgenland)
- Producer: Claus Preisinger
- Grape variety(ies): 25% Furmint, 25% Riesling, 50% Scheurebe
- In the vineyard: Biodynamic farming, harvest by hand. Lime and gravel terroir. Vines facing south.
- In the cellar: Spontaneous fermentation. 3 days skin contact. Short carbonic maceration in amphora. Maturation in both amphora and large old wooden barrels for 8 months. Unfiltered, without addition of So2.
- Quality mark: Biodynamic & Vin nature
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